Welcome to the official website of Lorraine Gane, poet, writer, teacher, editor, and writing mentor
Over the last twenty-five years my aim has been to write about the place where the ordinary and the extraordinary meet. Life circumstances have aided this “deep looking,” particularly the illness and death of loved ones (recounted in Even the Slightest Touch Thunders on My Skin), then with my excursions through the forests and other wild places of Salt Spring Island, where I’ve lived for many years (see The Way the Light Enters and The Blue Halo). Along with this has been my work with other writers through retreats, online courses, consultations, and manuscript development/editing. As with my own writing, I strive to help writers express themselves with clarity, cohesiveness, and above all truth. If my approach appeals to you, please have a look at my offerings and contact me for a free twenty-minute phone consultation.
A video clip of a poem from Arc of Light:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jGpu3OxVUE
ARC OF LIGHTPoems by Lorraine Gane (Raven Chapbooks, 2020) In this loving and light-filled elegy to her mother, Salt Spring Island poet Lorraine Gane evokes a painful stage that mid-life children of ailing parents will recognize. It is a complex grief, letting go of parents as protectors, moving into acceptance of inevitable loss, and of their own place, parentless, now on the front lines of mortality… The beauty of the natural world is ever present in these poems; doubtless Salt Spring’s stunning landscapes assist Gane’s braiding of light and dark, life and death… The final poem finds her tranquil and accepting, comforted by the image of a luminous white arc floating over her mother’s body, “all softness and light.” (for the full review click here) — Wendy Donawa, author of Thin Air Of The Knowable, The Gorge: A Cartography of Sorrows, Those Astonishments Of Sorrow, Of Joy