Coming Home to the Heart  

An online program with Lorraine Gane

Oct. 26 – Dec. 15, 2024

The Heart is the gateway to true and deep writing. When we deepen into its recesses, we unlock the door to our most authentic voice and our truest writing. This program will offer you entry points to this creative sanctuary where all your stories, poems, and other pieces are waiting for you.

In the first part of the program you’ll be introduced to Seven Invitations to open into Heart’s well of creativity so it flows onto the page. You’ll relax and write freely, unfolding buried images, feelings, and moments you’ve been holding in your Heart, perhaps for years.

In the second part, we’ll explore what I call the Seven Initiations, which are the foundation for deep and sustained writing: presence, trust, surrender, compassion, courage, patience, and perseverance. When we embody these qualities, we are able to access our full creative powers and our writing flourishes.

The aim of this program is generating new writing and shaping it to completion. As such, I’ve planned two writing retreats, followed by revising sessions to bring pieces to the next level.

The program will allow you to excavate hidden territory and release it onto the page, bringing through the gold of your experience. And our circle of heart-centred women will offer you a supportive container to help you complete your writing and fulfill your creative potential.


 Zoom dates:

Oct. 26, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. PST retreat (see outline below)

Nov. 6, 3:30-5 p.m. PST group discussion and sharing

Nov. 16, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. PST retreat with PurnaMa (see outline below)

Dec. 5, 3:30-5 p.m. PST discussion and sharing


What’s included:

*four Zoom sessions of discussions, writing & sharing

*a one-on-one consultation with Lorraine

*detailed feedback on ten double spaced pages of prose (2,500 words) or

fifteen pages of double-spaced poetry

*modules with discussions and practices

*email support throughout the program


Cost: $597 (Can.) due by Oct. 22 (or three monthly payments of $215/month): Note: the retreats are open to participation without joining the program; $85 by Oct. 22 for the first retreat and Nov. 10 for the second; $95 after these dates: other options: retreats and revising sessions $135 by Oct. 20 and Nov. 10; $150 after;

payment by e-transfer at or PayPal at


If you have questions about the program and would like to schedule a time to talk on the phone or on Zoom, please email me at: You can also register at this email.


Invitations of the Heart:

A writing retreat with Lorraine Gane

 In this retreat you’ll be introduced to the Seven Invitations to take you deep into the Heart for greater peace, harmony, balance, joy, and grace. These invitations will also open a door to all the buried images, feelings, memories held in your heart waiting to be expressed. We’ll open, relax, and allow these onto the page, then share writing a supportive circle. This time together will be nourishing, inspiring, and take you to deeper creative channels, opening new possibilities, replenishment, and connection with your Deep Heart and a circle of women committed to expressing their truths. Saturday, October 26, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. PST on Zoom; Cost: $85 (Can.) by Oct. 22; $95 after; please send an e-transfer to; or for PayPal


Initiations of the Heart: Writing from the Depths

 A retreat with Lorraine Gane and PurnaMa

 Our truest writing is often held in our most potent experiences. Yet these moments may be locked away in hidden recesses of our Hearts where we can’t access them. In this retreat you’ll be offered a nurturing sanctuary to open to these buried treasures so you can bring them up from the depths onto the page. We’ll prepare the ground to do this through gentle qigong practices to relax our bodies, quieten our minds, and deepen into our Hearts. Entry points through word portals, poetry lines, and guided meditations will ignite a flow of writing onto the page. We’ll then share this writing, or part of it, in our circle of heart-centred women. Our time together will offer a sacred space to open to new creative possibilities, deepen into our Hearts, and connect with one another at this auspicious time. Saturday, November 16, 10-2 p.m. PST on Zoom; Cost: $85 (Can.) by November 10; $95 after; please send an e-transfer to or for PayPal

Lorraine Gane is a poet, writer, teacher, editor, and mentor. A heart-centred approach to creativity has been an integral part of Lorraine’s journey, both in her own writing and with those she mentors through workshops, online courses, consultations, and manuscript development/editing. Among her poetry collections are If I Have Known Beauty (Raven Chapbooks, 2024), as well as Even the Slightest Touch Thunders on My Skin, The Blue Halo, and The Way the Light Enters. She is completing a fourth full-length poetry collection and a writing book and mentors writers worldwide.

 PurnaMa has been a devoted and passionate teacher and practitioner of Qigong and Tai Chi for 33 years. She is a former Shiatsu Therapist and Registered Massage Therapist who practised in Toronto at her own natural health centre. She has had a committed meditation practice for over 40 years. It has been said about her that she has an ability to communicate the deep and subtle aspects of Qigong with enthusiasm, clarity, and simplicity. Her approach is gentle and encouraging and draws on many years of deep inner exploration and extensive experience.